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2009年03月21日 23:01:08 来源:教师Office 访问量:456
             Evening Visiting Hour at the Hospital
                    by Janet(Zhang Xijuan)

    Several bunches of flowers were giving off a smell of fragrance,making him dizzy.Beside the dazzling roses were bananas,oranges,cookies,roasted chicken as well as milk powder.It was getting dark,and it was raining outside.The light has been turned on by the cold-eyed nurse.He secretly called her that because one could hardly read anything soft,warm or kind in her big eyes.It was already 6:20.Ten minutes later,it would be the regular visiting hour.

     His eyes were fixed on the pale face of that middle-aged man,who was now having a deep sleep.They two were the only occupants of this ward."A lucky but foolish guy,"he thought,"has he lost the natual feeling of gratefulness?"Nearly every visiting evening the man would have several visitors with food,flowers or some other presents,but he seemed to take all that for granted and lost his temper frequently on some petty things.Had he been that man,he would have been so excited and grateful,but the fact was that he wasn’t that lucky.Thinking of this,he closed his eyes.

     There was a slight sound of the door being opened.It couldn’t be her,he knew.He opened his eyes and saw a graceful middle-aged lady with heavy bags in both hands.He knew her,the wife of that guy.Every evening she came,and every morning she would have some beautiful roses sent to her husband.He could imagine how much care,how much love,and how much tenderness were in her eyes.The husband was woked."Hi,darling,are you feeling any better?"She gently asked him to take some soup that she had just cooked,but the impatient husband just frowned and turned to the side.She just smiled,and bent to smell the roses on the table,the red ones which reminded him of her....

     He was badly injured in an accident and was taken to hospital,unconsious.When he woke up three days later he found with deep pain that he had only one leg left.He nearly collapsed before he remembered his beloved fiancee.He was eager to see her,longing for her comfort and care.As an orphan he could only get strength from her.She finally came with a bunch of roses,very beautiful roses which instantly lighted up his heart.He told himself he should never lose heart and wouldn't disappointed her.However,he was heart-broken when she told him in a letter it was no longer possible for them to marry and to live together.She finally left,leaving only the roses there, which he later asked the cold-eyed nurse to throw away.He did suffer a lot for a whole month,but managed to recover gradually,although he seldom had visitors.To some degree,he began to feel grateful to the accident.Somehow he was lucky,lucky enough to know her.Yet sometimes he would feel depressed or fall in low mood,like today,on this raining evening......

      He was becoming sleepy and then fell asleep.Soon he fell into a dream:he was in a garden,a big one which was full of roses.Those roses were all red,so brightly and beutifully red.He got indulged in the sweet smell,the fragrant smell.He enjoyed himself greatly as if he had been in s fairyland.Finally he became tired and wanted to get out of the garden,but could find no way out.Suddenly the bright redness disappeared.In front of him were all grey roses---that kind of ashy grey.It became dark and the roses started to laugh.He had never heard of that horrible laughter.He cried and struggled but could not get away...He got out at last,not from the garden,but from his dream.It was already 7:10,twenty hours before the end of the visiting time.The graceful woman was not in,and the man was eating.He looked blankly at him.the latter grinned.He tried to smile back,but failed."Hey,would you like some,boy?"The man pointed at the soup.He was about to shake his head when something special caught his eyes.There,on his own table,was also a large bunch of roses!So bright,so red ,so beautiful and even with water on it!(He knew that was rainwater)He wondered how came such fragile roses were sent to him on such a rainy evening!

     The door opened and in came the graceful wife of the man and the cold-hearted nurse,both of them smiled at him friendly.He was surprised that the nurse could smile so brightly and there was so much tenderness and warmth in her big eyes.He had never found those were so beautiful eyes.He opened his mouth,but uttered no sound.There was no need to ask anything.The lady kissed her husband goodbye and left.It was already 7:30.The "no-longer-cold-eyed"nurse,after doing some attending work,also went out.

      Tears came to his eyes, while a smile came to his face....

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