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the color of the life

2009年03月20日 21:52:31 来源:教师Office 访问量:385

It was autumn again. The leaves turned yellow and began to fall. On a lovely day, my friends and I went back to our old school. Standing at the gate, I looked around the campus. The school looked almost the same as before. The classrooms were still big and bright. The playground was still full of basketball players, yet deep in my heart.

But I knew something was different. On our way to our old classroom, we met some of our former classmates. We went up to the group and tried to join their talk. But I was sorry to find that we were no longer interested in the same things. They were talking about a campus football match. We were more worried about our jobs. During the talk, I realized we had all changed. We no longer had things in common. I remembered when we were in the same class we shared jokes and worries. But those days had gone and would never return.

Before I walked out of the school gate, I stopped and turned around. The sun shone brightly over the school's orange trees. Suddenly I saw a big yellow orange among a lot of green ones. I knew it was getting ripe. Yes, change is not always bad. Sometimes it brings hopes.

下一篇:那记忆深处 (原创)

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