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2009年04月16日 17:19:52 来源:教师Office 访问量:494
The Financial Crisis And The College Enterance Exam

The world now is going through a serious financial crisis and abviously it has already effected many aspects.It even influenced the College Enterance Exam in China.But how come? Let me tell you

First, the financial crisis directly made the demand around the world go down. Then domestic supply especially labor intensive proucts overflowed.That means we do not need so much cheap labor force as before any more.Instead we need more talented person to accelerate the process of industry transformation so that we can produce more high tech products rather than labor intensive products to boost competitiveness agast other countries

From this point of view, we can easily know that the reason why the financial crisis has an impact on college enterance exam is that we need colleges to cultivate more talented persons to serve the society and to save the economy of our country.

In my opinion,the government should also pay more attention to the education revolution so as to make it more helpful to talented students to pass the exam.

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